Strawberrrriessss yummmm! I asked my sister to help figure out how to write about strawberries in the summer and that is what we came up with. But seriously, strawberries?! Yummm!! If I could, I would add strawberries to everything I eat. In the summer I almost always do. I made a quick salad and then saw a fresh pack of strawberries in the fridge so I threw them in and they were so delicious. I wanted moreeee. So I decided that it would be a good idea to make my whole salad taste like strawberries and now here we have it, Strawberry Summer Dressing. Its delicious and super simple to make!


3/4 cup chopped strawberries

1/8 cup maple syrup

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 tbs balsamic vinegar

Just blend all the ingredients together and add to your fav summer salads!